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Ming dynasty Chinese history Britannicacom Ming dynasty Wade-Giles romanization Ming Chinese dynasty that lasted from 1368 to 1644 and provided an interval of native Chinese rule between eras of Mongol and Why Footbinding Persisted in China for a Millennium Why Footbinding Persisted in China for a Millennium Despite the pain millions of Chinese women stood firm in their devotion to the tradition China 1900 to 1976 - History Learning Site China in 1900 - History Learning Site; The Boxer Rebellion - History Learning Site; Sun Yat - History Learning Site; The Cultural Revolution - History Learning Site Shenyang - Wikipedia Shenyang ([nj]; simplified Chinese: ; traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: Shnyng) formerly known by its Manchu name Mukden (Manchu China Culture History & People Britannicacom Geographical and historical treatment of China including maps and statistics as well as a survey of its people economy and government Geography of China - World Atlas China's geography and landforms including information on the Himalayas Gobi Desert Yangtze River - by worldatlascom Qing Dynasty 1644-1912 (chinaknowledgede) The Qing dynasty (1644-1911) was the last imperial dynasty in China It was founded as a federation of non-Chinese tribes under the leadership of the Manchus who China Mike Great Wall of China History & Facts Unlike the Mongols however the Manchus came into power through the back door In 1644 the weakened Ming government was quickly being overrun by a peasant-led rebellion History of the Great Wall of China History of the Great Wall of China The history of the Great Wall has fascinated people from all parts of the globe The monument is considered one of the marvels of Manchu people - Wikipedia Manchu ; Total population; 10430000 (worldwide) 10410585 077% of China's population (estimate) Regions with significant populations
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