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Chaucer's Bookstore Online Kathryn Blaine - Beloved Chaucer's Bookseller She made us laugh helped keep us calm amidst bookselling strife and contributed greatly to balancing the sometimes The Life of Geoffrey Chaucer (c 1343-1400) [Chaucer Biography of Geoffrey Chaucer father of English Literature: Author of The Canterbury Tales Troilus and Criseyde and Book of the Duchess Geoffrey Chaucer - Biography and Works Search Texts Read Geoffrey Chaucer (born 1340/44 died 1400) is remembered as the author of The Canterbury Tales which ranks as one of the greatest epic works of world literature 1 The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales Lines 1-200 1 The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales Lines 1-200 Geoffrey Chaucer 1909-14 English Poetry I: From Chaucer to Gray The Harvard Classics Chaucer In Our Time - BBC Radio 4 Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss Geoffrey Chaucer the father of English literature Chaucer - Medieval Life and Times Chaucer Short Biography facts and interesting information about Geoffrey Chaucer - the life of a famous historical character during the Medieval times Geoffrey Chaucer Biography - life death wife school The exact date and place of Geoffrey Chaucer's birth are not known The evidence suggests however that he was born about 1345 or a year or two earlier in his The Canterbury Tales - Wikipedia The Canterbury Tales (Middle English: Tales of Caunterbury) is a collection of 24 stories that runs to over 17000 lines written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer Biography - Geoffrey Chaucer Childhood Geoffrey Chaucer was the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages much renowned for his work The Canterbury Tales Read more about his life and works in the Geoffrey Chaucer English writer Britannicacom Geoffrey Chaucer (born c 1342/43 London? England died October 25 1400 London) the outstanding English poet before Shakespeare and the first finder of our
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